May 30, 2012

Portuguese Stones // Pedras Portuguesas

one of the most famous sidewalks in the world, exists a few steps away from my apartment...
the calçadão de copacabana // copacabana beach sidewalk

 Burle Marx's design was created in the 70s

Burle Marx was a very famous brazilian landscape architect who organically re-stylized the waves of the sidewalk; beforehand the it looked like this:

sidewalk in ipanema:

the stones that are used to create these urban mosaics are called "portuguese stones" the technique was brought to brazil by the portuguese. here are some examples of this type of stonework from portugal the motherland: 


plaza de pedras portuguesas in funchal, a portuguese city on an island of the coast of morocco

when you are walking across them, the impact and scope of the designs are not as apparent as when you are looking at them from above. in my opinion they are truly magnificent (despite the fact that they have a tendency to destroy a nice heel)

this is the master "calceteiro" Wantuiu Cosme. he is 73 years old and has over 40 years of experience. he trained alongside the portuguese calceteiros in the 70s and today continues to repair these historically significant sidewalks. the stones are limestone and the 'mortar' that is used is a mix of stone dust, sand and cement. repairs are constantly needed throughout the city - after a sidewalk/plaza is torn up for construction or to replace loose/missing stones. i am very thankful that the city of rio de janeiro values these works of art and doesn't just plaster-over them with asphalt! 

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